How do i go about debugging?
Do you mean change "_.BREAK" to "BREAK"?
But weird, the original LISP is also using "_.BREAK".
I will try this in the office tomorrow.
changing the code from "_.BREAK" to "BREAK" did not help. Have you experimented with all options BREAK command supports... "_F" - first point,...,etc...
If it's the same in A2015 and it works as it should, then type in Command: prompt (command "_.BREAK" ... arguments...) and look if it will break curves with supplied arguments... Then if it works in Command: prompt, it should work and inside lisp...
If it don't work as expected, you also have few extra possibilities : change (command "_.BREAK" ...) to (command-s "_.BREAK" ...)... You can also try with (vl-cmdf "_.BREAK" ...), and if nothing of all this isn't working either search for VLISP solution (vla-break ??? - I think it doesn't exist), and if VLISP don't have this addition then I'd suggest you to try using lower versions of ACADs or maybe the best try ACAD2016 codename Memento...
still do not work.
Are you using Autodesk AutoCAD 2014?
I tried my friend's AutoCAD Architecture 2014 & it works. Weird. Anyone can advise how to get it to work on Autodesk AutoCAD 2014?
Thanks Bumpz up for help.