发表于 2022-7-5 20:45:01
Have you experimented with all options BREAK command supports... "_F" - first point,...,etc...
If it's the same in A2015 and it works as it should, then type in Command: prompt (command "_.BREAK" ... arguments...) and look if it will break curves with supplied arguments... Then if it works in Command: prompt, it should work and inside lisp...
If it don't work as expected, you also have few extra possibilities : change (command "_.BREAK" ...) to (command-s "_.BREAK" ...)... You can also try with (vl-cmdf "_.BREAK" ...), and if nothing of all this isn't working either search for VLISP solution (vla-break ??? - I think it doesn't exist), and if VLISP don't have this addition then I'd suggest you to try using lower versions of ACADs or maybe the best try ACAD2016 codename Memento... |