;************************************************* ***********
;;************************************************ *************
(setq PLD“佳能iC2300 PCL5e”);
(setq PPS“(11x17)”);
(setq PS“ARINC-BASE.ctb”);
;************************************************* **************************************************
(initget 1)
(setq P1(getpoint“\n左上端点:”)
(Initget 1)
(setq P2(getpoint“\n右下端点:”)
;;************************************************ ************
(命令“-PLOT“y”PLD“11x17”in“l”n“w”P1 P2“f”c“PS”“y”)
;************************************************* **************************************************
) 也许是这样:
(defun c:CPL ( / pld pps ps orsnap p1 p2)
(setq PLD "Canon iC2300 PCL5e") ; << Ploting Device
(setq PPS "(11x17)") ; << Paper Size
(setq PS "ARINC-BASE.ctb") ; << Plot yStyle Table
(setq orsnap (getvar "osmode"))
(setvar "OSMODE" 1)
(null (initget 1))
(setq P1 (getpoint "\n Upper Left Endpoint: "))
(null (initget 1))
(setq P2 (getcorner p1 "\n Lower Right Endpoint: "))
(command "-PLOT" "y" "" PLD "11x17" "in" "l" "n" "w" P1 P2 "f" "c" "" PS ""
"" "" "y" "")
(setvar "OSMODE" orsnap)
因此,如果您的复数lisp不需要用户输入,则50个图形的处理将是自动的。 完全自动化这个过程怎么样。是否可以定位和使用多个块参照的坐标?
http://img256.imageshack.us/my.php?image=70952229nw4.jpg 大多数情况下,脚本中不涉及lisp。所以你的脚本看起来像这样:
(defun c:CPL ( / pld pps ps orsnap p1 p2); << whats this do?
(setq PLD "Canon iC2300 PCL5e") ; << Ploting Device
(setq PPS "(11x17)") ; << Paper Size
(setq PS "ARINC-BASE.ctb") ; << Plot yStyle Table
(setq orsnap (getvar "osmode"))
(setvar "OSMODE" 1)
(null (initget 1)); << whats this null do?
(setq P1 (getpoint "\n Upper Left Endpoint: "))
(null (initget 1))
(setq P2 (getcorner p1 "\n Lower Right Endpoint: "))
(command "-PLOT" "y" "" PLD "11x17" "in" "l" "n" "w" P1 P2 "f" "c" "" PS ""
"" "" "y" "")
(setvar "OSMODE" orsnap)
(princ); << whats this do?
看看发布命令,它会让我们的生活更轻松。 是的,如果图纸中有可以获得的点。 请帮帮我。。。。我无法处理这个Lisp程序的问题,因为。。。我有123 a4大小的x部分在一个模型的图纸。我可以同时绘图吗?请帮帮我。我需要123 pdf文件和打印。我有任何Lisp程序的地方。。。。 我无法使用附加的程序。。。我在autocad2009版本中工作。。。请帮帮我
(定义c:CPL(/pld pps ps或NAP p1 p2)(setq pld“Canon iC2300 PCL5e”); nope no xrefs.seperate plots on one dwg, on one tab.
A. model tab
1. Sheet 1-50
2. Sheet 2-50
……and so on………
only seperated by the lines i draw. multiple plots by window is what i needed.and im soooo happy i dont have to Use the * to repeat the command via CUI.that messed up all my snaps and a couple other things.
Whats that first link do.. generate routines by selecting commands on a graphical interface?if not....get to work on that im sure you could figure it out in half the time i could. :wink: The first link is to a Script Generator / Facilitator.
You load or create a script. In your case it could be simply this:
Not sure but you may not need the save as it may already be added.
You then select the Drawings to run the script on.
Run Script will then open each drawing, run the script, then close the drawing.
It repeats until all the drawings are done.
So if your CPL lisp did not require user input the process for the 50 drawings would be automatic.