CAVINCA 发表于 2022-7-6 06:53:25

what about completely automating the it possible to locate and use the coordinates of multiple block references?
this is what im working with...
i tried inserting it but it wouldnt work... heres the hyperlink...

CAB 发表于 2022-7-6 06:58:13

Most times there is no lisp involved in a script. So your script would look something like this:
note that i just added n for the missing responses, you would need to correct these.

-PLOT y nPLD 11x17 in l n w P1 P2 f c nPS nnny
Look into the PUBLISH command, it will make our life easier.

CAB 发表于 2022-7-6 07:01:44

Yes, if there are points that can be aquired in the drawing.

anaskattayil 发表于 2022-7-6 07:08:34

Please help me.... I cannot manage this lisp becoz... I have 123 a4 size x section in one drawing at model. cani plot at same time? please help me. I need 123 pdf file & print. any lisp for me....

anaskattayil 发表于 2022-7-6 07:09:26

I cannot work with the attached programm... I am working in autocad2009 version... pls help me
(defun c:CPL ( / pld pps ps orsnap p1 p2)(setq PLD "Canon iC2300 PCL5e") ;
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