Autocad 13 for Mac - lisp rout
I'm new to this forum, and I'm glad I found it. I am also new at lisp, although I have programming experience with other languages. My question is how come a lisp routine won't work on my mac?. First thing that I wonder is the c: right after the defun.Can someone point me to some good article on this?
Thanks! There are many features that are missing.See for yourself....
You have my sincere condolences. I dont have an article to reference yet, but I know that ACAD for MAC can run pure AutoLISP but not Visual LISP like"VL" "VLA" "VLAX"... From JTB World...
[*]Most AutoLISP will work unless it includes Windows calls (using .NET) or uses DCL dialogs
[*]Most ARX applications will work unless it includes MFC or .NET calls
Well, thanks I will start reading Thanks! I appreciate any sort of advice! You should change your profile to read AutoCAD for Mac 2013 so we'll know you aren't playing with a full deck.
Luke....come over to the Dark side. Welcome to the forum.There may not be many if any Mac users here, but there still may be some help with routines.They may have to be "dumbed down" to work, but in many cases that may not be too hard, or there may already be an alternative version that would work.To start out, you will probably want to just post whatever routine won't work and learn from there. Lots of folks here are happy to explain things.
The C: right after the defun means you can type the name (minus the "C:") right on the command line as though it is an AutoCAD command, that is, with no parentheses. Mine, too, especially, if you were "forced" into it.
Mentioned in ReMark's link.
Yes, good advice. And you might mention it in your posts, just in case folks miss it otherwise.
This may be the best advice!
I will follow your recommendation, thanks a lot