need help for atomatic co-orin
hi guys how r u all u r help lots, again i want u r help to creat some lisp for mei want lisp for to plot automatic co-ordinateif i select pline or object lisp can give all "end points" or "mid points" co-ordinate in one time on dwg also lisp ask me for place ing of co-ordinat inside object or outside object .
try to u r best i attach a sample pdf
sample2.pdf Ah, no help yet, gee, I dunno. give me a bit, I'll see if I can decifer your problem a little bit better. I'm real sorry, harshad, but the best I can do is give you a lisp that you have to pick the points and it will place the coord text beside the selected vertex.
But we do have some very excellent gurus, who I am sure will give you the program to help you.
In the meantime, if you want my lisp, just yell. There was a LISP posted on 21 Dec 2006 by ASMI, that dimensioned the X and Y (same as E & N) in one pick, and then another pick to place the text.
But I don't know how to go back far enough in the archive to give a reference - I only seem to be able to go back one year
P.S. It would help some members of the Forum if you could please type in full words and remember that this is not a mobile phone:wink: > eldon
That is?
(defun c:ordi(/ fPt oldEcho dFlc dDec *error*)(defun *error*(msg) (setvar "CMDECHO" oldEcho) (princ) ); end of *error*(princ(strcat "DIMSCALE="(rtos (getvar "DIMSCALE"))" " "DIMLFAC="(rtos (setq dFlc (getvar "DIMLFAC")))" " "DIMDEC="(rtos (setq dDec (getvar "DIMDEC")))" " ); end strcat); end princ (setq oldEcho(getvar "CMDECHO"))(setvar "CMDECHO" 0) (while t (if (setq fPt(getpoint "\nSpecify point or Esc to Quit > ")) (progn (command "_.dimordinate" fPt "_t" (strcat "X=" (rtos(* dFlc(car fPt))2 dDec) "\\X" "Y=" (rtos(* dFlc(cadr fPt))2 dDec) ); end strcat pause ); end command ); end progn ); end if ); end while (setvar "CMDECHO" oldEcho)(princ)); end of c:ordi
> harshad
It's possible... Maybe some programmer (good magician), want to have a hour (or two) training and write it for you. But today I have decided to drink some a few vodka (or much) with my friends and I say goodbye to you.
P. S. What for you have broken SHIFT key?
Thank you, eldon. I wasn't game to say that, just that I had to re-read to try and understand.
Thanks, ASMI. PM coming your way.
Thank you for retrieving that routine ASMI, my copy was edited to suit me.
I am sure now that harshad will be able to do exactly as he wishes (with a little bit of editing)
Are you referring to my SHIFT key? I didn't know it was showing
(I spend too long typing, and Alan nips in ahead AGAIN!) thanks for replay me asmi take u r time !! if its possible so good for me and others also
harshad this lisp is given by fatty to me takeand modify as i requred
LP3.LSP I know this thread is 2 years old but came upon it looking for the same answer.Your ordi.lsp routine is exactly what I need BUT I am having trouble getting it to display feet and inches.My dimstyle is set for feet and inches and they display when I use the dimordinate command.Do I have to edit the lsp routine?Anychance you could help a kid out?