hi guys how r u all u r help lots, again i want u r help to creat some lisp for me i want lisp for to plot automatic co-ordinate
if i select pline or object lisp can give all "end points" or "mid points" co-ordinate in one time on dwg also lisp ask me for place ing of co-ordinat inside object or outside object .
try to u r best i attach a sample pdf
I'm real sorry, harshad, but the best I can do is give you a lisp that you have to pick the points and it will place the coord text beside the selected vertex.
But we do have some very excellent gurus, who I am sure will give you the program to help you.
(defun c:ordi(/ fPt oldEcho dFlc dDec *error*) (defun *error*(msg) (setvar "CMDECHO" oldEcho) (princ) ); end of *error* (princ(strcat "DIMSCALE="(rtos (getvar "DIMSCALE"))" " "DIMLFAC="(rtos (setq dFlc (getvar "DIMLFAC")))" " "DIMDEC="(rtos (setq dDec (getvar "DIMDEC")))" " ); end strcat); end princ (setq oldEcho(getvar "CMDECHO")) (setvar "CMDECHO" 0) (while t (if (setq fPt(getpoint "\nSpecify point or Esc to Quit > ")) (progn (command "_.dimordinate" fPt "_t" (strcat "X=" (rtos(* dFlc(car fPt))2 dDec) "\\X" "Y=" (rtos(* dFlc(cadr fPt))2 dDec) ); end strcat pause ); end command ); end progn ); end if ); end while (setvar "CMDECHO" oldEcho) (princ) ); end of c:ordi
> harshad
It's possible... Maybe some programmer (good magician), want to have a hour (or two) training and write it for you. But today I have decided to drink some a few vodka (or much) with my friends and I say goodbye to you.
I know this thread is 2 years old but came upon it looking for the same answer. Your ordi.lsp routine is exactly what I need BUT I am having trouble getting it to display feet and inches. My dimstyle is set for feet and inches and they display when I use the dimordinate command. Do I have to edit the lsp routine? Anychance you could help a kid out?