Move line, break points follow
This is hard to explain so I have an attachment here for you to see it, but here is the explanation:I am not sure if autoCAD does this, or a lisp has to be made. Say you have 3 lines coming together forming a sideways tee. If I move one line, the break points follow, ohh heck, just look at the attachment!
move line, break point followsl.pdf
you might have to rotate the PDF view counterclockwiseso you don't have to look at it with your head sideways Sounds like it would need a reactor to update the positions of the other lines. aww man, so this would be a hard one?
I hate having to highlight those other two lines and snap them to it. I am sure there is some piping company out there who has made it because after we survey the building, we do a lot of shifting. It takes forever! Its do-able, but difficult, yes.
It would depend on how advanced you'd want to make it, but I could visualise using an Object Reactor to react upon modification of any of the three lines, and the parameter/handle at which the line was 'attached' would have to be stored in perhaps the xData of the object - like I do here.
But, using an object reactor that depends on multiple objects - one of which is being modified by the reaction - is difficult, as you have to prevent a recursive reactor call by temporarily deactivating the object reactor during the callback, and perhaps creating an instance of a command reactor to react after the object modification and prevent a recursive call to the object reactor. This method is described here... (yes, I've been down that road..)
So, all in all, as far as I can see (which may not be too far), the difficulty in coding outweighs the gain.
Lee Didn't you learn anything in Physical Education? :wink: Don't forget to Stretch.
My CAD ignorance and devotion to programming reveals itself yet again... very nice Alan.
No worries. Once in a while, I'll write some code only to then remember that a close-enough-command exists. I just facepalm and go on with my day.
I was just hoping you'd read it before cutting a bunch of code.
Oh don't worry, this thread was never going to get to that...
HaHa, right on.
I doubt you'll be wanting to mention this thread to your boss then...