发表于 2022-7-6 11:32:04
Its do-able, but difficult, yes.
It would depend on how advanced you'd want to make it, but I could visualise using an Object Reactor to react upon modification of any of the three lines, and the parameter/handle at which the line was 'attached' would have to be stored in perhaps the xData of the object - like I do here.
But, using an object reactor that depends on multiple objects - one of which is being modified by the reaction - is difficult, as you have to prevent a recursive reactor call by temporarily deactivating the object reactor during the callback, and perhaps creating an instance of a command reactor to react after the object modification and prevent a recursive call to the object reactor. This method is described here... (yes, I've been down that road..)
So, all in all, as far as I can see (which may not be too far), the difficulty in coding outweighs the gain.
Lee |