Inventor VBA,使用ref
Public Sub TestSelection()
' Create a new clsSelect object.
Dim oSelect As New clsLeaderGhost
Dim odoc As DrawingDocument
Dim oleader As DrawingNote
Dim oNotes As LeaderNotes
Dim Lrefkey() As Byte
Dim lrefkeystr As String
Dim Leaderinfo As New Collection
Set odoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Set oNotes = odoc.ActiveSheet.DrawingNotes.LeaderNotes
' Call the pick method of the clsSelect object and set
' the filter to pick any Drawing Note.
Set oleader = oSelect.Pick(kDrawingNoteFilter)
' Check to make sure an object was selected.
If Not oleader Is Nothing Then
Call oleader.GetReferenceKey(Lrefkey)
lrefkeystr = odoc.ReferenceKeyManager.KeyToString(Lrefkey)
For n = 1 To oNotes.Item(Lrefkey).Leader.AllNodes.Count
Leaderinfo.Add (oNotes.Item(1).Leader.AllNodes.Item(n).Position.X)
End If
End Sub 您对Inventor API一无所知,是否尝试过在代码中添加断点,并查看您正在引用的对象在运行时可以使用哪些方法或属性? 只是在试图输入解释它为什么不起作用的解释时找到了它。。。我已将oLeader声明为drawingnote,将oNotes声明为leadernotes。。。。因此,通过将oLeader声明为leadernote(注意,oNotes是leadernoteS,即复数),我可以访问我想要的所有信息。。。