- Public Sub TestSelection()
- ' Create a new clsSelect object.
- Dim oSelect As New clsLeaderGhost
- Dim odoc As DrawingDocument
- Dim oleader As DrawingNote
- Dim oNotes As LeaderNotes
- Dim Lrefkey() As Byte
- Dim lrefkeystr As String
- Dim Leaderinfo As New Collection
- Set odoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
- Set oNotes = odoc.ActiveSheet.DrawingNotes.LeaderNotes
- ' Call the pick method of the clsSelect object and set
- ' the filter to pick any Drawing Note.
- Set oleader = oSelect.Pick(kDrawingNoteFilter)
- ' Check to make sure an object was selected.
- If Not oleader Is Nothing Then
- Call oleader.GetReferenceKey(Lrefkey)
- lrefkeystr = odoc.ReferenceKeyManager.KeyToString(Lrefkey)
- For n = 1 To oNotes.Item(Lrefkey).Leader.AllNodes.Count
- Leaderinfo.Add (oNotes.Item(1).Leader.AllNodes.Item(n).Position.X)
- Next
- End If
- End Sub