[VBA]如何更改角度my A
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim objAcadDoc As AcadDocument
Dim AcadApp As AcadApplication
Set AcadApp = ThisDrawing.Application
Set objAcadDoc = AcadApp.Documents.Add
Set StartNewAutoCADfile = objAcadDoc
pi = 4 * Atn(1)
px = 50
py = 50
pz = 0
b = Val(TextBox2)
c = Val(TextBox3)
d = Val(TextBox4)
e = Val(TextBox5)
f = Val(TextBox6)
g = Val(TextBox7)
Dim r1(0 To 2) As Double
r1(0) = px
r1(1) = py
r1(2) = pz
r2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(r1, pi, b)
r3 = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(r2, 1 / 2 * pi, f + g + e)
r4 = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(r3, 0, b)
ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine r1, r2
ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine r2, r3
ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine r3, r4
ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine r4, r1
Dim t1(0 To 2) As Double
t1(0) = px
t1(1) = py
t1(2) = pz + c
With ThisDrawing.Utility
t2 = .PolarPoint(t1, pi, b)
t3 = .PolarPoint(t2, 1 / 2 * pi, f)
t5 = .PolarPoint(t3, 0, b / 2)
t4 = .PolarPoint(t3, 0, b)
End With
With ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
.AddLine t1, t2
.AddLine t2, t3
.AddLine t3, t4
.AddLine t4, t1
End With
Dim y1(0 To 2) As Double
y1(0) = px
y1(1) = py + f + g
y1(2) = pz + d
With ThisDrawing.Utility
y2 = .PolarPoint(y1, pi, b)
y3 = .PolarPoint(y2, 1 / 2 * pi, e)
y4 = .PolarPoint(y3, 0, b)
End With
With ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
.AddLine y2, y3
.AddLine y3, y4
.AddLine y4, y1
.AddLine r1, t1
.AddLine r2, t2
.AddLine r3, y3
.AddLine r4, y4
.AddLine t4, y1
.AddLine t3, y2
.AddArc t5, b / 2, pi, 0
End With
End Sub