- Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
- Dim objAcadDoc As AcadDocument
- Dim AcadApp As AcadApplication
- Set AcadApp = ThisDrawing.Application
- Set objAcadDoc = AcadApp.Documents.Add
- Set StartNewAutoCADfile = objAcadDoc
- pi = 4 * Atn(1)
- px = 50
- py = 50
- pz = 0
- UserForm1.Hide
- b = Val(TextBox2)
- c = Val(TextBox3)
- d = Val(TextBox4)
- e = Val(TextBox5)
- f = Val(TextBox6)
- g = Val(TextBox7)
- Dim r1(0 To 2) As Double
- r1(0) = px
- r1(1) = py
- r1(2) = pz
- r2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(r1, pi, b)
- r3 = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(r2, 1 / 2 * pi, f + g + e)
- r4 = ThisDrawing.Utility.PolarPoint(r3, 0, b)
- ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine r1, r2
- ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine r2, r3
- ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine r3, r4
- ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine r4, r1
- Dim t1(0 To 2) As Double
- t1(0) = px
- t1(1) = py
- t1(2) = pz + c
- With ThisDrawing.Utility
- t2 = .PolarPoint(t1, pi, b)
- t3 = .PolarPoint(t2, 1 / 2 * pi, f)
- t5 = .PolarPoint(t3, 0, b / 2)
- t4 = .PolarPoint(t3, 0, b)
- End With
- With ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
- .AddLine t1, t2
- .AddLine t2, t3
- .AddLine t3, t4
- .AddLine t4, t1
- End With
- Dim y1(0 To 2) As Double
- y1(0) = px
- y1(1) = py + f + g
- y1(2) = pz + d
- With ThisDrawing.Utility
- y2 = .PolarPoint(y1, pi, b)
- y3 = .PolarPoint(y2, 1 / 2 * pi, e)
- y4 = .PolarPoint(y3, 0, b)
- End With
- With ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
- .AddLine y2, y3
- .AddLine y3, y4
- .AddLine y4, y1
- .AddLine r1, t1
- .AddLine r2, t2
- .AddLine r3, y3
- .AddLine r4, y4
- .AddLine t4, y1
- .AddLine t3, y2
- .AddArc t5, b / 2, pi, 0
- End With
- End Sub