abc_123 发表于 2022-7-7 13:48:39

@kramerO : i already have pipe.LISP from but it was not working for me..
@ReMark: i work in metric system.. actually the pipe is abt 600 mm long and belongs to fuel booster pump in a transport has op temp of abt 200+ deg cel..and has a steel mesh with adapter in the centre (i.e. welded) and at the ends has hex nut and a nipple... finally it is bent in all 3 axis..
thats why, i am thinking of posting a jpeg..which will help..

paul1966 发表于 2022-7-7 13:51:43

second the above, i use wpipe lisp everyday doing hvac layouts, very neat program.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 13:54:47

abc_123: You say pipe.lsp is not working for you.Where are you encountering a problem?

abc_123 发表于 2022-7-7 13:58:39

hi all,
due to site unavilability i could not post the photos... here r the pipes i would like to draw in 2d... pl suggest ways for drawing.. thi

tzframpton 发表于 2022-7-7 14:02:32

I highly doubt a programmer went to the depths of creating a LISP Routine of a catalog of copper pipes, fittings, elbows, steel braided hose, and all in between if you're seeking a high level of accuracy. Things of that detail, you'll have to make your own inventory of blocks of all your fittings and elbows (from any dimensional spec chart of the manufacturers of your company's liking) and just grab them when you need.
I would look into creating a hierarchy of Tool Palettes to better access these cataloged blocks IMHO. Or you could contact a programmer to create a customized program to fit your company's needs.

abc_123 发表于 2022-7-7 14:04:12

actually i am ease at creating steel nut, nipple, steel braided hose and all fittings in between.. but my quality staff is asking me to represent the bends (like angles wrt x, y and z axis).. initially we were making 2 staright lines to represent pipe line.. with a quotation of "bend as per original sample:".. but since quality staff requires more, we dont know how to represent them.. i want only ideas or some sample pipe drawings.. not LISPs.. thanks...

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 14:07:23

It appears as though a majority of the pipe could be detailed using a single plan view.The small remaining portion could perhaps be detailed using a plan view and at least one side view.
Do you have any dimensions or angles to work with that you could post here?
One other option is to construct it in 3D then use one of three methods to extract the 2D views from the 3D object.

kramerO 发表于 2022-7-7 14:10:54

Your pics are of tube NOT pipe.
If I had to draw this for a fitter to make, I would do it single line isometric. That is the easiest way to show and dimension the rolling offsets.
Pipe.lsp is forpipe. Did you follow the procedure for loading the lisp?

abc_123 发表于 2022-7-7 14:12:40

@ReMark : its abt 410 mm lengeth and has variying angles on all 3 axis.. abt 15 to 20 deg..
@kramerO : that pipe.lsp i just loaded for trial purpose.. not for this.. but do ihave to put all the contents in the resp. folder ?..i think ur method of rep single line seems ok for me..
@ReMark : any comments on single line isometric ?

SLW210 发表于 2022-7-7 14:17:15

Strictly speaking and depending on the country you are from it CAN be called either and be correct. Following is a small portion from Wikipedia, you can read the rest if you like.
You could try Loft or Sweep or Revolve or a combination, to create a 3D model, but first you need to practice drawing a path in 3D space. If you know the dimensions and angles, you could use coordinates @ the command line, just remember you will have "z" values. Learn to change your 3D Views and Rotate or use 3D Rotate. The same applies for single line isometric drawings, you just need to practice and get familiar with the commands. There are as many more methods to do this as well. To learn a command use AutoCAD help or search and browse CADTutor.
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