发表于 2022-7-7 14:17:15
Strictly speaking and depending on the country you are from it CAN be called either and be correct. Following is a small portion from Wikipedia, you can read the rest if you like. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipe_(material)
You could try Loft or Sweep or Revolve or a combination, to create a 3D model, but first you need to practice drawing a path in 3D space. If you know the dimensions and angles, you could use coordinates @ the command line, just remember you will have "z" values. Learn to change your 3D Views and Rotate or use 3D Rotate. The same applies for single line isometric drawings, you just need to practice and get familiar with the commands. There are as many more methods to do this as well. To learn a command use AutoCAD help or search and browse CADTutor. |