NoLeader 发表于 2022-7-7 13:56:03

That is exactly what I figured, but this particular client wants it in AutoCAD -_-. Whatever it takes to pay the bills. Thanks for your tips, though. Offset and Ortho have helped a great deal. As for everything else, standard printer grade, .

NoLeader 发表于 2022-7-7 13:59:39

Okl, so meager beginnings on this end. I'm getting the basic gist of it given the parameters you set before, but cant for the life of me can\t seem to use arc to draw a door, or find how to insert dots/bulletpoints.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 14:02:48

Well first you need a line representing the door.Then start the ARC command and use the Center option.The center of the arc will be where the line for the door intersects with the building.The end of the arc will be the other end of the line.Then just indicate what side of the line the arc should fall on.
For the "dot" (not "bulletpoint") either use the Donut command, as previously suggested and a multileader with no arrowhead OR use a multileader with a dot instead of an arrowhead.You adjust for this via the Manage MultiLeader Style dialog box.

NoLeader 发表于 2022-7-7 14:06:41

Thanks so much for your help, I think i've got enough info now to get this thing wrapped up! Cheers Mate!

BIGAL 发表于 2022-7-7 14:10:11

A couple of extra little hints if you have ortho on pick your start point and drag mouse in the direction then enter the distance. Whilst coming to grips with ARC for door try this draw a circle with centre point at hinge with correct radius draw a 90 line from hinge in swing direction use TRIM to make into an arc using the new and existing edge trim also the 90 deg line.
You have not mentioned printing so a quick simple guide go to a layout and draw a rectangle slightly smaller than you paper sizemetric 6mm, 1/4" maybe, then MV for modelview and create a box inside this rectangle, dbl click to jump in and do zoom E your dwg should appear adjust a bit or you can use a true scale will get back to that. dbl click outside or PS, now plot pick your printer and paper size, use window pick lower left upper right, Fit, say landscape top right use little down arrow and use ACAD.ctb (note if this does not make sense there is a > on bottom left click it) check preview if looks ok the print. Else do a screen grab and post.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 14:12:23

The drawing is not being done to real world dimensions so printing "to scale" is not required which means the OP can print directly from model space using the "Fit" and "Center" options in the plot dialog box.

glenbob305 发表于 2022-7-7 14:15:48

Did you finally get it? If you need a hand I'd be happy to take a minute and sketch it for you. Can you attach dwgs to this forum?

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 14:18:09

I'm sure the OP is working his way through it which is the best way to learn (mistakes and all).
Yes, drawings can be attached to posts but you'll have to be aware of file size limits.
The OP attached a link to the sketch he is trying to produce.If you read his posts you would have seen that the sketch does not have to be to scale so you could easily reproduce it without the need to have a copy of the OP's drawing.So.....start drawing and attach of copy of your drawing when you are finished.Your time starts...NOW.

hakmawongzi 发表于 2022-7-7 14:21:45

I took your image file and traced over it with ACAD using 6" exterior wall and 4" interior wall. I am guessing this is for security alarm application ?!883&authkey=!AKPa55JnkIxbGJc&v=3&ithint=photo%2cpng!883&authkey=!AKPa55JnkIxbGJc&v=3&ithint=photo%2cpng

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 14:26:07

And how exactly did you arrive at that conclusion?Please explain.
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