Autosave/Backup not working
In Acad Architecture 2013 30 day trial, Autosave and backup are not working, even tho they are checked in Options>Open & Save>File Safety...Where the autosaves should be, in C:\Users\TomF\ there's no appdata\local\temp\ showing in Windows Explorer.
I lost a lot when Paste special caused a crash (as it has more than once). Seems that you should enable the display of hidden/system folders on your system; can do this in Tools --> Folder Options --> View (thus this may be different in your version of Windows). Before the barrage of "Ctrl-S" often occurs...(which one should get into the practice of performing regularly)...
Have you checked the viewable file options within the folder? Usually, MS will 'hide' folders and files in an effort to protect us from ourselves.
Use the view options for the folders and make sure the "view all" or "view hidden" is operational.
Oh, I just noticed, you mentioned the Trial version...might the autosave be a disabled option in the trial? I don't know.
Just some thoughts. Hope it helps! Good Luck! Hidden now unhidden and there they are - thanks.
Is there any way to get autosaves and backups to save into same location as the .dwg's? Instead of all dumped into this one temp file? That is, without manually changing the location in Options>Files every time a new job/.dwg is opened? Good to hear you got this solved.
As far as I'm aware, the backup files (BAK) are saved in the same folder as the edited drawing.
To get the autosave file into the same location, I guess the solution may be an AutoLISP routine - should validate first if this feature is accessible programmatically and not stored read-only. When you open a drawing the routine will read current drawing's location and update the autosave path; but I'm not sure how will solve the conflict when you open files from different paths at the same time. The location will be overridden by last opened drawing and therefore the previous accessed one(s) will go to a wrong location. Hm, so live with it - it's OK as the filenames sort themselves into job order. All users should read these two articles to better understand how Autosave works in AutoCAD
Backup Files: BAK, SV$, AC$
The Autosave Mystery Good articles - thanks.
I have found a back-catalogue of .sv$'s invaluable, able to copy things dating from many file-closes ago, not just the last one which the .bak's provide. I did not realise that the .sv$'s are still there only as a result of a crash - didn't know I had that many crashes!
So they get deleted on a normal file-close. It's suggested:
" If you want to RETAIN all autosave files regardless of whether youcrash or not. Set up a directory with WRITE rights, but without DELETErights. Use this as your SAVEFILEPATH. The autosave files will getwritten to this directory, but will not be deleted. Be sure to log in asa user with delete rights ever so often and clean out this directory."
How do I set a directory like that - does that mean Read-only in effect (can save into it but can't subsequently edit of delete)? I believe you will want to set up a new folder, select it and right click to bring up the properties option, then in properties you can define the privileges granted to yourself and all other users of the file.
Privileges to WRITE are for YOU alone, all others have READ ONLY rights.You will set the PERMISSIONS on the SECURITY tab