发表于 2022-7-7 17:36:10
Good articles - thanks.
I have found a back-catalogue of .sv$'s invaluable, able to copy things dating from many file-closes ago, not just the last one which the .bak's provide. I did not realise that the .sv$'s are still there only as a result of a crash - didn't know I had that many crashes!
So they get deleted on a normal file-close. It's suggested:
" If you want to RETAIN all autosave files regardless of whether you crash or not. Set up a directory with WRITE rights, but without DELETE rights. Use this as your SAVEFILEPATH. The autosave files will get written to this directory, but will not be deleted. Be sure to log in as a user with delete rights ever so often and clean out this directory."
How do I set a directory like that - does that mean Read-only in effect (can save into it but can't subsequently edit of delete)? |