Changing UCS back to normal (I
Hello everyone. I am working with a drawing done by an architect. It is a map tile with a site layout drawn on. The way it is rotated, north is actually pointing somewhere east. I reckon they have shifted the UCS for whatever reason, and the cursor has become that rotated red and green crosshairs.How can I change it back so the north of the map tile is actually pointing north?
Thanks for any help Try the command PLAN > Current
To change the UCS back to 'normal', the command UCS and then WORLD. Thanks for this. However i have done both, and the drawing is no different. I am starting to think the drawing author has not used any 'real' ucs, but done their own. Do you think so? could be.
Try command SNAPANG and set it to 0, that only affects the crosshair and not the UCS Would that mean that if I drew a line with Ortho on it would be drawn exactly straight rather than at an angle as is happening now? Yes it does. Try _DSETTINGS select the Snap and Grid Tab go to the Snap type and select Rectangular. The red and green crosshairs make me think its view could have been twisted using dview. To check and see if it has, type in dview, enter, tw(for twist) and see if its set at an angle. If so put the angle back to 0. Also check the angle and direction of the 0 angle. Type UNITS and reset to your requirements, such as 0 being north and clockwise direction
I usualy find that typing UCS and then WORLD fixes any ucs rotation in modle space. If your working in paper space (layout) check your view rotation.