genohem 发表于 2022-7-7 19:04:46

this is not an usual question.

Hi Everyone. I'm new here. I need to askyou guys a question, that to me is very important. I'm just not only newbie in the forum, but also in AutoCAD. I have an investigation to do about AutoCAD. I need to explain the main concept of AutoCAD (concept: as a abstract idea, or general notion). I have read these days a lot of AutoCAD, but most of them are definitions.
I know that the main concept of the program is the drawing, but i don't know if that is a short answer, i need to explain itself. Does anyone can explain me the main concept of this program? Please can you give some ideas, i'm stuck.
p.d: the most of the information i read is in spanish (i'm a spanish native speaker), but im also read some information in English too. In spanish theres no much to say. Please, if you give me an idea i would try to understand you.

tzframpton 发表于 2022-7-7 19:24:31

Hi guys, thanks for your answers. StykFacE ... well how can explain it.I was reading The History of AutoCAD, how born the idea of created a drawing tool and all that kind of stuff. I don't know maybe is my perception, but since AutoCAD start, there were develop a more complex tool. In my mind I have the idea, that when you release a new version, is not only for fix bugs or problems. I imagine AutoCAD back at 80's and the first versions . They want to pass from a simple draw   - to create a bridge, for example. Now at that point, the simple idea to create a bridge in that old tool, is not a concept? I mean, AutoCAD at that point don't have the characteristics to make at that time, a bridge, but the engineers has the idea how to get there, and make possible to create the bridge , i mean i think they had the concept is their minds before create it, right? You know what you want, but you dont have the tool or tools to accomplish your goal.
Maybe I'm wrong.. I don't know.. It could be possible, this is a way of concept?
p.d: If you don't understand I'm going to find someone who can help me with the translation.

CyberAngel 发表于 2022-7-7 19:32:49

AutoCAD didn't do anything for you back then, and AutoCAD still doesn't do anything for you now other than aid in drawing.
Take your bridge example. You, as a designer, still need to engineer and calculate the stress analysis, structural load, and inertia of the bridge itself. You simply draw it in AutoCAD (in 2D or even 3D) to represent the bridge in a visual perspective is all.

Tunnelrat 发表于 2022-7-7 19:43:15

Many of the modern Mechanical CAD (MCAD) programs like Autodesk Inventor and SolidWorks are moving into the area of "Digital Prototyping" were the engineer/designer no longer needs to calculate stress, structural loads, inertia, kinematics, and other multi-physics.The modern softwares have dialog box "wizards" that guide the casual user (no longer have to have a PhD) through the process.Of course the more you know about these topics the less likely you are to get invalid results and the inverse is also true.
The future trend is for these wizards to run in the background and prompt you with design suggestions as you go (think spell checking or grammer checking like behavior in MS Word).Some of this technology has already previewed on with dials showing information on manufacturability, costs and environmental impact of material choice.
There are Design Accelerators as well that generate gears, sprockets, belt pulleys, springs and more based on function characteristics.In essense, the Machinerys' Handbook built into the software.
Students can get Autodesk Inventor Professional for free from

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 19:54:49

StykFacE,i think you are right. I was lost. Now I'm more secure about it. I don't want to say something that is incorrect.
I want an accurate answer, so i can explain it . Now I'm going to work in my investigation with your ideas and comments.

tzframpton 发表于 2022-7-7 20:14:40

My use for AutoCAD is to detail and design steel components for Engineering purposes. In AutoCAD, you have the advantage of drawing parts to extreme accuracy and being able to easily align seperate parts when you turn them into "blocks". Once a technical drawing is complete, you can send the file to manufactures and they can convert your drawing .dwg file into other files (.dxf in my case) and put these straight into machines to produce your parts! e.g. steel components for sheet metal work, the drawings are put directly into CCN and laser cutting machines and they can produce the part straight from my drawing!
Hope this helps!!
adios amigos
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