发表于 2022-7-7 19:24:31
Hi guys, thanks for your answers. StykFacE ... well how can explain it. I was reading The History of AutoCAD, how born the idea of created a drawing tool and all that kind of stuff. I don't know maybe is my perception, but since AutoCAD start , there were develop a more complex tool. In my mind I have the idea, that when you release a new version, is not only for fix bugs or problems. I imagine AutoCAD back at 80's and the first versions . They want to pass from a simple draw - to create a bridge, for example. Now at that point, the simple idea to create a bridge in that old tool, is not a concept? I mean, AutoCAD at that point don't have the characteristics to make at that time, a bridge, but the engineers has the idea how to get there, and make possible to create the bridge , i mean i think they had the concept is their minds before create it, right? You know what you want, but you dont have the tool or tools to accomplish your goal.
Maybe I'm wrong.. I don't know.. It could be possible, this is a way of concept?
p.d: If you don't understand I'm going to find someone who can help me with the translation. |