tds73 发表于 2022-7-7 19:17:30

adding notes/text/dims to view

ok I will start by saying I am by no means good with autocad, but I fumble thru most of it. I tried a search for what I am looking for and did not come up with an answer, if someone knows of a post to help me, please let me know and I will go thru it and not waste anyones time.
So, what I am attempting to do is: add text, some dims., and some info. to a viewport i have added to a drawing for my field guys. I am a sheet metal worker and have produced a drawing of duct work. one viewport is a plan view, one is a swiso, and another is a left-elevation view. everything is good except the left-elevation view which I would like to add details to. I am assuming I need to change the ucs so that i can place lines, dims and text and get them to show up without them snapping to 0 z. i just can't figure out how/steps to get this to work easily for me.
please help.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 19:21:45

Where are you placing your dimensions?In model space or in your paper space layout?

tds73 发表于 2022-7-7 19:28:01

in paper space, since the view is like i want it without having to turn off layers etc. the plan view viewport is the main one. does that make sense to you? it is possible i am not doing it "the correct" way, just easiest in my mind for me.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 19:31:34

I'm working on a drawing right now of a tank platform with multiple views (top, front, side and iso) of many of the pieces.I do all my dimensioning in my layout.I am not experiencing any problem dimensioning or labeling any particular view. I have not ever had to reorient the UCS in a layout either.Did you change your UCS for some reason?
What kinds of details do you want to add to the left-elevation view?

tds73 发表于 2022-7-7 19:36:33

i basically just need to add some notes to the one view so i can print the drawing, then i will basically delete that view port since i will not need it for the next drawing i print. i break up my install drawings into systems, supply and return, one drawing for each. i try to put as much info relating to a sytem on a drawing as i can for the field guys. i turn off or delete any info that does not relate to that system when printing the drawing to try and take out any confusion, and make it as straight forward and simple as possible for them.

tds73 发表于 2022-7-7 19:39:38

i posted the last reply before i got your reply.
can i post my drawing for you to see, so i can explain it better? if so, how do i do that?
how about just a pdf of drawing, that would be easiest for me, it is rather large to post drawing on here i think.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 19:44:08

Posting your drawing is a good idea.Someone here will take a look at it.
Start a new post and click on the "Go Advanced" button in the lower right hand corner.At the next page look for the Paperclip symbol.Click on it.A file must first be uploaded before it can be attached.Watch out for file size limits.If your drawing is too large you either have to pare down the file size (erase, purge, save under a new name) or zip it first then attach it.

tds73 发表于 2022-7-7 19:45:37

after reading back thru your response, i started to think maybe i was not clear on my questions/statement. in the viewport i am trying to detail, it was not drawn in plan to represent left view, i have clicked on the left view tab to rotate it there. IT IS A 3D DRAWING. I know, i am a dumb ass for leaving that info out.   I am using duct designer software that draws my duct in 3d, so when i switch my view it is there.
sorry for wasting so much of your time. maybe this new info makes things easier for you to answer.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-7 19:49:54

You have a 3D object displayed in your viewport.
The view is of the left side.
You are doing all your dimensioning in your layout and not in model space.
You cannot dimension your left side view for some reason.
Are all these statements true?

tds73 发表于 2022-7-7 19:56:45

not all of them. 3d object dispayed-yes.    view is of the left side(only in the viewport i set up) . this viewport in my layout is the one i want to add text,lines and dims to. when i try to add text(for example) it lets me add it and when i click to accept it, it snaps it down to (the plan view) . if i jump back to model space, i can see it but it is at z=0.i think i need to somehow rotate ucs in the viewport so it places the text in the right x,y,z position, i just am not sure how to rotate it correctly.
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