KATIE0801 发表于 2022-7-8 06:32:42

Furniture - Sofa

I need to draw a sofa and have never made or imported any furntiure in autocad.The only criteria is that is has to be a certain width: 3090.23.Please help.

eldin 发表于 2022-7-8 06:41:50

Something I used in an old drawing, dunno if you can use it..
I thought it was a standard Acad block?

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 06:45:55

Are you doing this in 2D or 3D?

KATIE0801 发表于 2022-7-8 06:49:04

@ eldin - thanks this has given me some ideas.
@ ReMark - sorry should have said, 2D.
Question:Does AutoCAD actually have pre-designed furniture or do you have to make EVERYTHING yourself??If there is a folder of ready-mades how do you get there?The next thing i need is a vase ...

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 06:55:31

AutoCAD does not come preloaded with blocks for furniture.
I could probably find you a site or two where furniture blocks might be available.
I'll be back.I just love using that line!

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 06:59:04

First one is right here. Scroll down until you get to furniture.
Second one is here. Look for Space Planning/Furniture on the right hand side.
Caveat: I did not investigate exactly what is or is not available at either site. That's your task.
Third one is the charm they say. Look on the left hand side for the category "Furniture".
Last one...I'm getting tired with all this running around.LOLLook for archfurn.zip file.
When you're done with your drawing post an image.We want to see what you have accomplished.If it's really good we'll hire you to redecorate around here!The clubhouse could use a facelift.

KATIE0801 发表于 2022-7-8 07:03:25

Great thanks.I am loving AutoCAD as I am starting to get used to its wierd ways!But I find the concept of blocks odd.Does everyone just use each others blocks all the time?For an assignment for example, would it be considered cheating to create your own design but include a few blocks that you have found on websites and liked?Sure i'll get the theory of it soon!

Tankman 发表于 2022-7-8 07:05:13

Browse through these drawings, free downloads, http://www.cadforum.cz/catalog_en/?cat=11&page=3
Lots of nice furniture including some sofas too!

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 07:12:40

For the most part you'll find the CAD community is fairly generous.Therefore it is not uncommon for people to make blocks they have created available for free download and use.There are some people and companies that do charge for their blocks and I don't hold that against them at all.Some of these blocks are highly detailed and very accurate.I could provide you with a couple of examples if you'd like.
Is it cheating?It depends on the exact wording of the assignment.Were you expected to draw the room and ALL the furniture that goes into it or just the sofa?

Tankman 发表于 2022-7-8 07:15:30

If the block author is giving away his or her work, why not use it?
In example, I work with plumbing layouts, if the valve manufacturer will give me a drawing, I use it.
Another source for drawings, blocks, is AutoDesk.
Try these sofas at http://seek.autodesk.com/search/sofas?source=QuickLinks&resetft=true
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