KATIE0801 发表于 2022-7-8 07:23:25

@ ReMark - the question is to design a living room elevation based onthe proportions of the golden retangle using CAD.so i guessit is not very specific.thanks for all your help.i think i will moveonto dimensioning it now.
@ Tankman - thanks for all your advice and links.

JD Mather 发表于 2022-7-8 07:26:28

Search Google for Autodesk Seek website.

MikeScott 发表于 2022-7-8 07:28:11

Using other peoples work for school isn't the ideal, since coming up with it on your own is what is expected of you unless the teacher specifies differently.
I would ask for their opinion on the matter.
However, as noted, a lot of folks are willing to share in the real world, the problem is that what if you're dealing with an interior decorator that has to use a couch that hasn't been made before, and with no blocks availible, you're required to fill the gap with an original design?
It'd be useful to look at examples and study them to determine the constraints on building one of your own.I've had to do that sort of thing a number of times at work.. everything from display cabinets to a battery drawer for NASA.

Glen Smith 发表于 2022-7-8 07:36:55

While I agree that using other peoples work for school is not ideal, I also think it depends on the class and the assignment. If you are designing a room, drawing the sofa seems a bit pointless. But, if you are studying the golden rectangle, you could actually design the sofa using that.
At its simplest, a sofa is four rectangular 3D solids. All the rest is refining the details.
Is this a 3D assignment?
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