peterg 发表于 2022-7-8 10:23:55

info required on scaling, poly

Can anyone point me in the right direction for information (idiot proof)on the following:
Scaling drawings.
Isometric drawing
I am drawing in 2D with AutoCad 2007

rkent 发表于 2022-7-8 11:15:46

On this site there is a section of tutorials, see top of page for a link.
Search this forum on isometrics as it has been covered lately with a link to a tutorial for that as well.

ReMark 发表于 2022-7-8 11:25:32

Some very basic advice.
Scaling drawings: Draw your objects in Model space at FULL scale.Use Layouts and create viewports and apply the scale to the viewport.Plot at 1:1.
Polylines: Use often and don't forget they can be editted with the Pedit command.
Isometric drawing: Old school = 2D using SNAP > Style and the F5 key for the three isoplanes.New school = just do it in 3D and save yourself the hassle.Use the options found on the View toolbar to pick one of the four standard isometric views and start drawing.Don't forget to reorient your UCS.
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