这是一个如何导出在Bricscad V11白金中绘制的X-Solid的示例。由于每个固体都在Xdata中包含其ECS,因此重新排列在WCS中旋转的固体并获取范围是一项微不足道的任务:kewl:
- // get XData and create AcGeMatrix3d
- static Acad::ErrorStatus getMatrix(AcGeMatrix3d &xform, const resbuf *pRb)
- {
- assert(pRb);
- AcGePoint3dArray points;
- Acad::ErrorStatus es = Acad::eBadUCS;
- // iterate though the xdata and collect our points
- for(const resbuf *pRbTemp = pRb;pRbTemp != NULL;pRbTemp=pRbTemp->rbnext)
- {
- if(pRbTemp->restype == 1011 /*Xdata*/)
- points.append(asPnt3d(&pRbTemp->resval.rpoint[0]));
- }
- if(points.length() == 4)
- {
- // apply the points to a matrix
- xform.setCoordSystem(points[0],
- points[1]-points[0],
- points[2]-points[0],
- points[3]-points[0]);
- es = Acad::eOk;
- }
- return es;
- }
- // print the output
- static Acad::ErrorStatus printExtents(const AcDb3dSolid *pSolid, std::ofstream &file)
- {
- assert(pRb);
- if(!pSolid)
- return Acad::eNullPtr;
- AcDbExtents extents;
- if(pSolid->getGeomExtents(extents) == Acad::eOk)
- {
- file pSolid(ids[idx],AcDb::kForRead);
- if(pSolid.openStatus()!=eOk)
- continue;
- ResbufList xdata(pSolid->xData(_T("_X-Solids_")));
- if(getMatrix(xfrm,xdata) == Acad::eOk)
- {
- std::auto_ptrpTmpSolid(AcDb3dSolid::cast(pSolid->clone()));
- if(pTmpSolid.get())
- {
- if(pTmpSolid->transformBy(xfrm.invert()) == Acad::eOk)
- printExtents(pTmpSolid.get(),file);
- }
- }
- }
- acedRestoreStatusBar();
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- acutPrintf(_T("Exception writing to file"));
- }
- file.flush();
- file.close();
- }
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