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楼主: jura

3D solid dimesioning in M-space









Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20

发表于 2007-4-4 10:28:12 | 显示全部楼层

That is pretty interesting. I am sure this is a utility that can be used everywhere. After looking at the issue and typing up the post above it seems like it may be pretty easy to add it to ACAD with some simple VB coding right now. Either as a dimension modifier, where you click on the dimension and the code gets the viewport below the nodes, then gets the viewports scale, then factors in the view degrees, and then fixes the dims. Again, it is easy to do where the angles are even left, right, and top, but the twisted views would be difficult as far as I can tell, but not impossible. You could do it in C++, and maybe in VB.NET (I think I saw I could parse through the innards of a 3D solid in VB.NET), if you were working with 3D solids and could get the actual lines, arc, circles, and splines inside the 3D solids at the nodes, measure them with code and just fix the dim line.
Bottom line is that it may only take 1 minute for a user to copy all their existing dim styles and edit the new ones with the axonometric value, then add them to their template dwg. ACAD may not have the feature built in with one click, but an experienced user would not not even pause at this issue, as ACAD can do it if you know how to use it.

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