发表于 2008-9-18 14:53:54
I removed some functionality with scaling based on a titleblock, and some layer settings. Other than that here ya go.
;Created for G.E.I.S. by P.R. Donnelly
;Date: Sept of 2002
;Description: Creates brackets for text and such...
;Edit: 09-17-08 - Removed titleblock scaling for M-dub
; ___ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; (___)_ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; | "\ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; (, .) Pat da Rat ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; | __| ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; |\___| ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defun dtr (A)
(* pi (/ A 180.0)))
(defun c:bracket2 ()
(setq oldplinew (getvar "plinewid"))
(setvar "plinewid" 0)
(setq oldlay (getvar "clayer"))
(setq wutscale 0.125); |