发表于 2006-9-11 10:31:08
I think your frusteration is not with the survey drawing, but the ASSUMPTION by autocad that your drawing in INCHES. So when you measure something, it converts it to feet and inches, and you then have to figure out how many feet it really is. If Autocad didn't assign ft/in to a drawing by default, you probably would never notice the change.
Its not really scaled down, Autocad just makes you think it is. A unit is a unit, but what we assign to it is where the confusion lies. If I said 1 unit=1 cubit, you would ask "How big is a cubit?" Then in your mind, you would convert to inches so that it is easier to think of in your mind. This is the same. If a unit in Acad=1 Foot/12 inches, then you would think of everything in ft. So if you were to set your units to decimal, if it said 23.5, you would see 23'6" or 23' and 0.5' (I separated that on purpuse to make it clear)
The big problem is Autocad. There is an assuption that cad makes, your either inches or MM, thats the basic unit. We have to remember that a unit is a unit, not an inch in all drawings |