Not yet, but by looking at it I can expect how it would work.
Its missing that vector line I need to define the square rotation, try the routine I posted.
Still I have there 4 send commands - and I'm not sure can I avoid them [well maybe some of them with entmake].
And the 4th send command is the rotation issue I asked for in post #8.
EDIT: Well your first example I implemented in the "Square-HalfSide" function.
Sorry Tharwat,
But for what I was asking for, your first post gave me the needed answer! Then i just decided to do this other method like in the "Square-FullSide" function. Your 2nd example and Lee's are great, I know they require existing circle, but I have no problems at modifying the codes. I don't blame you at anything, just wanted to show the results that might be useful to someone. And yeah, the code I posted is based on what I have learnt from you and Lee in this forum...
My $0.05 for a rectang Pick pt, Enter L, Enter W, Enter ang and use 1st principles of a double polar to work out cnr points Make the w blank and you get a square, same with angle if blank then its horizontal. Look at lisp below.
Maybe drag a line For L same for W but use centre pt of first line.
Like others their is probably one already done I just added the front end.