Dim SelectedMenuGroup As String, LoadedPopMenu As String
Dim Retval As Variant
On Error Resume Next
'This part Loads the menu
SelectedMenuGroup = "K:\Directory\Directory\Directory\Menufilename.mnc" '<--- Type in the path to your menufile here.
Set MenuGroup = ThisDrawing.Application.MenuGroups.Load(SelectedMenuGroup, False)
LoadedPopMenu = ("&Pulldown")'Type in the pulldown that you want in the menubar from the above loaded menu.You must include the accelerator (&) if one exists
Set PopMenu = MenuGroup.Menus.Item(LoadedPopMenu)
'This part inserts the pulldown that you typed above in the menubar
PopMenu.InsertInMenuBar 10
If MenuGroup Is Nothing Then
Retval = MsgBox("The "pulldown Menuname" menu is already loaded", vbInformation, "Type whatever you want in the dialog box capion here")
Exit Sub
Retval = MsgBox("The "pulldown Menuname" menu has been successfully loaded", vbInformation, "Type whatever you want in the dialog box capion here")