Thsi one 只为一个盒子工作,在 ceratain 条件下
选项 显式
公共子 LandLW_inter()
Dim myline 作为 AcadLine
Dim mysel 作为 AcadSelectionSet
Dim selset 作为 AcadSelectionSet Dim selset 作为 AcadSelectionSet
Dim mypl 作为 AcadLWPolyline
Dim ptst(0 to 2) 作为 Double
Dim ptend(0 to 2) 作为 Double
Dim FilterType(0 to 0) 作为 Integer
Dim FilterData(0 to 0) 作为 Variant
DimIntPnts 作为 Variant
Dim cnt As Integer
Dimi As Integer
cnt = 0
Set selsets = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets
' for one
block'points that make the house
ptst(0) = 742: ptst(1) = 1029: ptst(2) = 0
ptend(0) = 769: ptend(1) = 1058: ptend(2) =
0'draw the line for effect
Set myline = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(ptst, ptend)
myline.颜色 = acRed
对于每个 mysel 在 selsets
If mysel.名称 = “我的” 然后是
下一个 mysel
Set mysel = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add(“mine”)
FilterType(0) = 0: FilterData(0) = “LWPolyline” ' filter on type - lwpolylines
mysel.选择 acSelectionSetCrossing, ptst, ptend, FilterType,
FilterData's select 所有越过我们行边界框
的东西'过滤掉除 lwpolyline Debug 之外的所有内容
。打印“与 ”和 mysel 相交”。Count & “ lwpolylines”
For Each mypl In mysel
cnt = cnt + 1
Debug.Print “ Intersection : ” & cnt & “ with Contour ” & mypl.海拔
ptst(2) = mypl.海拔高度: ptend(2) = mypl.海拔
For i = 0 To UBound(varIntPnts)
Debug.Print varIntPnts(i)
Next i
Next mypl
End Sub
Daron ..不要在特雷夫的脑海中种下这样可怕的想法。嘿嘿,