- (defun c:SetScale (/)
- (setq getunits (getvar "insunits"))
- (if (= getunits 4) (c:setscale_mm) ())
- (if (= getunits 6) (c:setscale_m) ())
- )
- (defun c:SetScale_mm (/ lst pat tmp)
- ;;; Pat - the pattern scale is made up of lists of species
- ;;; (("Name of the Scale 1" Scale_paper_unit_1 Scale_drawing_unit_1)
- ;;; ("Name of the Scale 2" Scale_paper_unit_2 Scale_drawing_unit_2)
- ;;; ...
- ;;; ...
- ;;; Usage: (SetScale)
- (setq pat '(("NLCS_MM_1:1" 1 1) ;_Correct scale here
- ("NLCS_MM_1:2" 1 2)
- ("NLCS_MM_1:5" 1 5)
- ("NLCS_MM_1:10" 1 10)
- ("NLCS_MM_1:20" 1 20)
- ("NLCS_MM_1:50" 1 50)
- ("NLCS_MM_1:100" 1 100)
- ("NLCS_MM_1:200" 1 200)
- ("NLCS_MM_1:250" 1 250)
- ("NLCS_MM_1:500" 1 500)
- ("NLCS_MM_1:1000" 1 1000)
- ("NLCS_MM_1:2000" 1 2000)
- ("NLCS_MM_1:2500" 1 2500)
- ("NLCS_MM_1:5000" 1 5000)
- ("NLCS_MM_1:10000" 1 10000)
- )
- )
- (setq tmp (mapcar 'car pat))
- (setq getexpert (getvar "expert"))
- (setvar "expert" 5)
- (command "_.-scalelistedit" "RESET" "YES" "EXIT")
- (command "_.-scalelistedit" "d" "*" "EXIT")
- (progn
- (while (> (getvar "CMDACTIVE") 0) (command))
- (command "_.-scalelistedit")
- (foreach item pat
- (command "_Add"
- (car item)
- (strcat (rtos (cadr item)) ":" (rtos (caddr item)))
- ) ;_ end of command
- ) ;_ end of foreach
- (command "_Exit")
- (while (> (getvar "CMDACTIVE") 0) (command))
- )
- (setvar "expert" getexpert)
- (princ)
- )