- (defun c:holedim()
- (setq oldsnap (getvar "osmode"))
- (setq p0 (getpoint "\n pick left endpoint: "))
- (setq pfirst (getpoint "\n pick point of the first hole"))
- (setq plast (getpoint "\n pick point of the last hole"))
- (setq n (getint "Enter number of holes: "))
- (setq dimspacingy (getreal "Enter dimspacing value: "))
- (setq p0x (car p0))
- (setq pfirstx (car pfirst))
- (setq plastx (car plast))
- (setq p0y (cadr p0))
- (setq pfirsty (cadr pfirst))
- (setq plasty (cadr plast))
- (setq pnx pfirstx)
- (setq pny pfirsty)
- (setq pn pfirst)
- (setq dimoffsetx (/ (- plastx pfirstx) (- n 1.0)))
- (setq halfdimoffsetx (/ dimoffsetx 2.0))
- (setq dim1x (/ (+ p0x pfirstx) 2.0))
- (setq dim1y (+ pfirsty dimspacingy))
- (setq dimnx dim1x)
- (setq dimny dim1y)
- (setq dimn (list dimnx dimny))
- (setvar "osmode" 0)
- (repeat n
- (command "dimlinear" p0 pn dimn)
- (setq dimnx (+ pnx halfdimoffsetx))
- (setq dimny (+ dimny dimspacingy))
- (setq dimn (list dimnx dimny))
- (setq pnx (+ pnx dimoffsetx))
- (setq pn (list pnx pny))
- )
- (setvar "osmode" oldsnap)
- (princ)
- )