; Legend - EMT Software Inc., by Scott Hull 04/18/01;(defun C:LEGEND (/ #ALERT #DCL-FILE #DCL-ID #DCL-LIST #GO #HELP #LEGEND-BLOCK#LEGEND-LAYER #LINENO @ALERT @DWGLYRS @LAYER @LIST @LEGEND-DRAW@LEGEND-READ @LEGEND-WRITE *error*)(setq #DCL-LIST (list"legend : dialog {"" key = "title";"" label = "Legend Generator";"" : boxed_column {"" label = "&Layers";"" : concatenation {"" : text_part {"" label = "Name";"" width = 19;"" }"" : text_part {"" label = "Legend";"" width = 9;"" }"" : text_part {"" label = "Description";"" }"" }"" : list_box {"" height = 8;"" key = "layer";"" tabs = "19 28";"" width = 70;"" }"" : row {"" : edit_box {"" edit_width = 60;"" fixed_width = true;"" key = "descp-layer";"" label = "&Description:";"" }"" }"" }"" : boxed_column {"" label = "&Blocks";"" : concatenation {"" : text_part {"" label = "Name";"" width = 19;"" }"" : text_part {"" label = "Legend";"" width = 9;"" }"" : text_part {"" label = "Description";"" }"" }"" : list_box {"" height = 8;"" key = "block";"" tabs = "19 28";"" width = 70;"" }"" : row {"" : edit_box {"" edit_width = 60;"" fixed_width = true;"" key = "descp-block";"" label = "&Description:";"" }"" }"" }"" ok_cancel_help_cadalog_errtile;""}""""cadalog_button : retirement_button {"" key = "cadalog";"" label = "&CADalog.com...";""}""""ok_cancel_help_cadalog : column {"" : row {"" fixed_width = true;"" alignment = centered;"" ok_button;"" : spacer {"" width = 2;"" }"" cancel_button;"" : spacer {"" width = 2;"" }"" help_button;"" : spacer {"" width = 2;"" }"" cadalog_button;"" }""}""""ok_cancel_help_cadalog_errtile : column {"" ok_cancel_help_cadalog;"" errtile;""}"))(setq #HELP (strcat"Legend Generator\n\n""Allows you to add text descriptions to create a legend for blocks and \n""layers. The programs stores descriptions in two files, legend-block.tbl \n""and legend-layer.tbl so they can be reused later.\n\n""Blocks and layers that are present in the current drawing or in an XREF \n""can be used but XREF blocks and linetypes that cannot be found in the \n""current drawing table will not display in the legend. Instead, any blocks \n""that are not found will have a text marker placed in the legend, and any \n""linetypes that are not found will use the CONTINUOUS linetype.\n\n""The text for the legend is based on the current setting of the AutoCAD \n""TEXTSIZE system variable. Block scales are derived from existing blocks \n""used in the drawing.\n\n""You can enter different descriptions for blocks and layers in XREFs that \n"