发表于 2016-10-24 17:06:45
Stephen has been a great help to me throughout the years. But I think of him as a "full depth" api guy, unlike myself as I only do C#, not C++.
I don't think too many people care what dialect Stephen recommends though (sorry Stephen), as Kean Walmsley is the much more influential .net person for adesk. That would be a bummer if Kean had VB affection.
I tend to think that the top level programmers at autodesk are so far down the rabbit hole that these higher level languages are just distractions, what they really care about is if their C++ API can or cannot do something.
I'm just glad they give .net any attention, I can translate their code in minutes.
Now, to hijack the thread, why can't guys like Stephen and Kean get together and get Autodesk to fix the dwg format to not pass on anything like app ids, layer filters, materials, anno scales... from the xref to current dwg? (Detaching xrefs does not make the items go away, they stick.) That is killing efficiency in many companies, as the items are so rampant they cannot clean all during the day, and they come back. The best thing about the .net api is I can clean this stuff fast - when I catch it... |