- open Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
- open Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput
- open Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
- open Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
- type acApp = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application
- // Helper pattern to check for ObjectId RXClass
- let isClass (so: SelectedObject) =
- RXClass.GetClass >> so.ObjectId.ObjectClass.IsDerivedFrom
- let (|IsText|IsInsert|Other|) so =
- if isClass so typeof then IsText so.ObjectId
- elif isClass so typeof[B] then IsInsert so.ObjectId
- else Other
- // Handler for filtering
- let txBrFilter (e: SelectionAddedEventArgs) =
- e.AddedObjects
- |> Seq.cast
- |> Seq.mapi
- (fun i so -> match so with IsText _ | IsInsert _ -> None | _ -> Some i)
- |> Seq.choose id
- |> Seq.iter e.Remove
- // Extension for filter handler selection. Returns Some when exactly
- // two objects are selected
- type Editor with
- member ed.TrySelectWithFilter (pso: PromptSelectionOptions) =
- let obs = ed.SelectionAdded |> Observable.subscribe txBrFilter
- let psr = ed.GetSelection pso
- obs.Dispose()
- match psr.Status with
- | PromptStatus.OK when psr.Value.Count = 2 ->
- Some(psr.Value.[0], psr.Value.[1])
- | _ -> None
- // Static repository for user-supplied attribute tag
- // (accessible over multiple documents)
- let mutable tag = ""
- // Our command converts an existing DBText object to an AttributeReference
- // and attaches it to the AttributeCollection of an existing block reference.
- // If successful, the text will be erased
- []
- let Text2AttributeReference() =
- // the usual suspects
- let doc = acApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
- let ed = doc.Editor
- let db = doc.Database
- // Function for attribute tag input
- let getAttTag() =
- let pso =
- new PromptStringOptions(
- "\nEnter attribute tag: ",
- AllowSpaces = false )
- if tag "" then
- pso.DefaultValue tag ()
- // Set up selection options and keyword. Select with filter
- let pso = new PromptSelectionOptions(AllowDuplicates = false)
- pso.Keywords.Add "attribute Tag"
- pso.MessageForAdding Observable.add (fun _ -> getAttTag())
- let res = ed.TrySelectWithFilter pso
- // If not yet supplied, get the tag now
- if tag = "" then getAttTag()
- // Evaluate user input
- match res with
- | Some(IsText tid, IsInsert bid)
- | Some(IsInsert bid, IsText tid) when tag "" ->
- use tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
- let tx = tr.GetObject(tid, OpenMode.ForWrite) :?> DBText
- let br = tr.GetObject(bid, OpenMode.ForWrite) :?> BlockReference
- // Iterate thru attribute collection and check for existing tag
- let dupatt =
- br.AttributeCollection
- |> Seq.cast
- |> Seq.exists
- (fun aid ->
- let ar =
- tr.GetObject(aid, OpenMode.ForRead)
- :?> AttributeReference
- ar.Tag = tag )
- // If all is well, let's go
- if not dupatt then
- try
- let ar =
- new AttributeReference(
- Tag = tag,
- Color = tx.Color,
- Height = tx.Height,
- Justify = tx.Justify,
- Layer = tx.Layer,
- LinetypeId = tx.LinetypeId,
- LinetypeScale = tx.LinetypeScale,
- LineWeight = tx.LineWeight,
- Normal = tx.Normal,
- Oblique = tx.Oblique,
- Position = tx.Position,
- Rotation = tx.Rotation,
- TextString = tx.TextString,
- // TextStyle = tx.TextStyle, // 2009
- TextStyleId = tx.TextStyleId, // 2010
- WidthFactor = tx.WidthFactor )
- if tx.Justify AttachmentPoint.BaseLeft then
- ar.AlignmentPoint ignore
- tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(ar, true)
- tx.Erase()
- with ex ->
- "\nError creating attribute reference: " +
- ex.Message
- |> ed.WriteMessage
- else
- "\nAttribute tag "" + tag +
- "" already used in block "" + br.Name + "" "
- |> ed.WriteMessage
- tr.Commit()
- | Some _ ->
- "\nSelect one block reference and one text object only. "
- |> ed.WriteMessage