- Public Sub teste()
- Dim ofd As New OpenFileDialog
- If Not ofd.ShowDialog Then Exit Sub
- Dim layoutTemplate As String = "MODELO_A4"
- Dim layoutName As String = "NOVO_LAYOUT"
- Dim handleBlocoCarimbo As String = "D66"
- Dim handleMainViewPort As String = "C0E"
- Dim handleLayoutViewPort As String = "C13"
- Dim doc = ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
- Using tr = doc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
- Using dbOrig As New Database(False, True)
- dbOrig.ReadDwgFile(ofd.FileName, FileShare.Read, True, "")
- 'Make the original database the working database
- HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase = dbOrig
- Using trOrig As Transaction = dbOrig.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
- ' Get the dictionary of the original database
- Dim lytDict As DBDictionary = trOrig.GetObject(dbOrig.LayoutDictionaryId, ForRead)
- 'Get the layout in the original database
- Dim lytMgr As LayoutManager = LayoutManager.Current()
- Dim layoutId As ObjectId = lytMgr.GetLayoutId(layoutTemplate)
- Dim layout As Layout = trOrig.GetObject(layoutId, ForRead)
- 'Get the block table record of the existing layout
- Dim blkTableRec As BlockTableRecord = trOrig.GetObject(layout.BlockTableRecordId, ForRead)
- 'Get the object ids of the objects in the existing block table record
- Dim objIdCol As New ObjectIdCollection()
- For Each objId As ObjectId In blkTableRec
- objIdCol.Add(objId)
- Next
- 'return to original WorkingDatabase
- HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase = doc.Database
- ' Clone the objects to the new layout
- Dim newLytMgr As LayoutManager = LayoutManager.Current()
- If newLytMgr.GetLayoutId(layoutName).IsValid Then
- newLytMgr.DeleteLayout(layoutName)
- End If
- Dim newLayoutId As ObjectId = newLytMgr.CreateLayout(layoutName)
- Dim newLayout As Layout = newLayoutId.GetObject(OpenMode.ForWrite)
- newLayout.CopyFrom(layout)
- Dim idMap As New IdMapping()
- doc.Database.WblockCloneObjects(objIdCol,
- newLayout.BlockTableRecordId,
- idMap,
- DuplicateRecordCloning.Ignore,
- False)
- 'define block attributes
- Dim bid As ObjectId = HandleToObjectID(dbOrig, handleBlocoCarimbo)
- Dim bref As BlockReference = idMap(bid).Value.GetObject(ForWrite)
- If bref Is Nothing Then
- MsgBox("error, bref is nothing")
- Exit Sub
- End If
- For Each attid As ObjectId In bref.AttributeCollection
- Dim attref As AttributeReference = attid.GetObject(ForWrite)
- attref.TextString = "teste"
- Next
- 'define viewport center
- Dim vp As Viewport = idMap(HandleToObjectID(dbOrig, handleLayoutViewPort)).Value.GetObject(ForWrite)
- vp.ViewCenter = New Point2d(0, 0)
- vp.ViewTarget = Point3d.Origin 'para o viewcenter funcionar
- 'zoom extents no bloco do carimbo
- vp = idMap(HandleToObjectID(dbOrig, handleMainViewPort)).Value.GetObject(ForWrite)
- With bref.GeometricExtents
- vp.ViewCenter = New Point2d((.MaxPoint.X + .MinPoint.X) / 2, (.MaxPoint.Y + .MinPoint.Y) / 2)
- vp.ViewTarget = Point3d.Origin 'para o viewcenter funcionar
- vp.ViewHeight = .MaxPoint.Y - .MinPoint.Y
- End With
- End Using 'trOrig
- End Using 'dbOrig
- If layoutName IsNot Nothing Then
- LayoutManager.Current.CurrentLayout = layoutName
- LayoutManager.Current.CurrentLayout = "Model"
- End If
- End Using
- End Sub
- Public Function HandleToObjectID(db As Database, ByVal h As String) As ObjectId
- Try
- Dim num As Long = Long.Parse(h, Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)
- Dim id As ObjectId = db.GetObjectId(False, New Handle(num), 0)
- If id.IsErased Then Return ObjectId.Null
- Return id
- Catch
- Return ObjectId.Null
- End Try
- End Function
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