- public static void InsertRotatorBlockTest(ObjectId blockId, Scale3d scale, string layerName = "0", ResultBuffer optionalXData = null)
- {
- Database db = Active.Database;
- Transaction tr = Active.Document.TransactionManager.StartTransaction();
- using (tr)
- {
- //Open block table to be sure it exists
- BlockTable bt = (BlockTable)tr.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead);
- PromptResult pr;
- double rotation = 0;
- do
- {
- // now the jig
- // create the blockref
- Point3d pt = new Point3d(0, 0, 0);
- BlockReference br = new BlockReference(pt, blockId)
- {
- ScaleFactors = scale,
- Layer = layerName,
- Rotation = rotation
- };
- if (optionalXData != null)
- {
- br.XData = optionalXData;
- }
- InsertBlockJig insertJig = new InsertBlockJig(br);
- // insert the blockref into modelspace
- pr = Active.Editor.Drag(insertJig);
- if (pr.Status==PromptStatus.OK)
- {
- // rotate it
- RotatingBlockJig rotateJig = new RotatingBlockJig(br);
- pr = Active.Editor.Drag(rotateJig);
- BlockTableRecord curSpace = (BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(Active.Database.CurrentSpaceId,
- OpenMode.ForWrite);
- curSpace.AppendEntity(br);
- tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(br, true);
- // Call a function to make the graphics display (otherwise it only shows after commit)
- Active.Document.TransactionManager.QueueForGraphicsFlush();
- rotation = br.Rotation;
- }
- } while (pr.Status != PromptStatus.Cancel &&
- pr.Status != PromptStatus.Error &&
- pr.Status != PromptStatus.Keyword);
- tr.Commit();
- }
- }
- class InsertBlockJig : EntityJig
- {
- Point3d _mCenterPt, _mActualPoint;
- public InsertBlockJig(Entity ent)
- : base(ent)
- {
- _mCenterPt = ((BlockReference) ent).Position;
- }
- protected override SamplerStatus Sampler(JigPrompts prompts)
- {
- JigPromptPointOptions jigOpts =
- new JigPromptPointOptions();
- jigOpts.UserInputControls =
- (UserInputControls.Accept3dCoordinates
- | UserInputControls.NullResponseAccepted
- | UserInputControls.NoNegativeResponseAccepted);
- jigOpts.Message =
- "\nEnter insert point: ";
- PromptPointResult dres =
- prompts.AcquirePoint(jigOpts);
- if (_mActualPoint == dres.Value)
- {
- return SamplerStatus.NoChange;
- }
- else
- {
- _mActualPoint = dres.Value;
- }
- return SamplerStatus.OK;
- }
- protected override bool Update()
- {
- _mCenterPt = _mActualPoint;
- try
- {
- ((BlockReference)Entity).Position = _mCenterPt;
- }
- catch (Exception)
- {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- class RotatingBlockJig : EntityJig
- {
- // Fields
- private double _mRotation;
- private BlockReference _br;
- // Constructor
- public RotatingBlockJig(BlockReference br)
- : base(br)
- {
- _mRotation = br.Rotation;
- _br = br;
- }
- // Overrides
- protected override bool Update()
- {
- (Entity as BlockReference).Rotation = _mRotation;
- return true;
- }
- protected override SamplerStatus Sampler(JigPrompts prompts)
- {
- JigPromptAngleOptions prAngleOpts = new JigPromptAngleOptions("\n Rotation: ");
- prAngleOpts.BasePoint = _br.Position;
- prAngleOpts.UseBasePoint = true;
- prAngleOpts.Cursor=CursorType.RubberBand;
- PromptDoubleResult prRotResult = prompts.AcquireAngle(prAngleOpts);
- if (prRotResult.Status == PromptStatus.Cancel) return SamplerStatus.Cancel;
- // Return no change if no rotation, to prevent flashing
- if (prRotResult.Value.Equals(_mRotation))
- {
- return SamplerStatus.NoChange;
- }
- else
- {
- _mRotation = prRotResult.Value;
- return SamplerStatus.OK;
- }
- return SamplerStatus.OK;
- }
- }
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