只是想得到一些想法。目前,我们在所有外部参照上使用图层控制。打印时,仅向外部参照“添加透明度”有意义吗?用户在中外部参照图形;而不是通过层控制。他们可以对其应用50%的透明度;然后是情节> source layer color, can be changed to any color
color_target 3 ;>> destination color , can be changed to any color
filter "*|*" ) ;>> filter string, xref xref layer contains "|"
(vlax-for n acadlays
(wcmatch (vla-get-name n) filter ) ;if it meets the filter
(= (vla-get-color n) color_source) ;& if it matches the color
(vla-put-color n color_target) ;change it to the required color
(setq count (1+ count) ;increase counter
(princ (strcat "\n Layer(s) changed from color to " ))
(princ "\nType xcolor to begin :")
或者看看这个工具设置为“by block”
http://www . CAD tutor . net/forum/show thread . PHP?100592-常规-设置-透明-byblock&highlight=trbb |