Like usual load the lisp normally type pipe or pp to run layers are created automatically, a drop down menu for size and schedules are chosen op then selects the type needed to generate the pattern.
is looking good but... missing a function called 'listpol' (list polyline [points] or something?). Never the less , could be usefull for a lot of piping guys (or girls)
;; ;;; listpol by ymg (Simplified a Routine by Gile Chanteau ;;; ;;; Parameter: en, Entity Name or Object Name of Any Type of Polyline ;;; ;;; Returns: List of Points in Current UCS ;;; ;; Notes: On Closed Polyline the Last Vertex is Same as First) ;;; ;(defun listpol (en / i l) (repeat (setq i (fix (1+ (vlax-curve-getEndParam en)))) (setq l (cons (trans (vlax-curve-getPointAtParam en (setq i (1- i))) 0 1) l)) ))
Included listpol the following attachment.
Also a few changes in delvertex (A little bit more concise)
To be complete would need to make sure that it is UCS compliant and maybe a small
modification to straight pipe input to remove the requirement of orthomode.