I miss understood.
Not sure where I picked this up:
- ; 3D Utility 3Pedit.LSP Ver 1.3 E Batson
- ; Convert 2d polyline, 3dface, line, arc, & circle to 3d polyline
- ; 1. Join 3Dpoly's (ends should meet).
- ; 2. If you accidently pick a 3DPoly, it is just drawn over again.
- ; 3. The Join function will replace the two 3DPolys with a single 3dPoly.
- ; 4. The Change function will just draw over the existing entity.
- ; 5. For a mesh , first explode it into faces, then change to 3dpoly(s).
- ; 6. Resolution will control smoothnes of curves, also make various shapes
- ; such as... 6 = hex, 3 = triangle, 4 = square, etc....
- ;*****************************************************************************
- (princ "\nLoading...")
- ;..............................................................................
- ; Join two 3dpoly lines
- (defun join3d
- (/ en flag1 flag2 en1 list1 list2 p1a p1b p2a p2b)
- (princ "\nJoin two 3DPolys.")
- (setq ss1 (entsel "\nSelect first 3dPoly.."))
- (redraw (car ss1) 3)
- (setq ss2 (entsel "....select second 3dPoly.."))
- (redraw (car ss2) 3)
- (setvar "blipmode" 0)
- (setq en1 (car ss1)
- poly1 (entget en1)
- flag1 (cdr(assoc 70 poly1))
- en2 (car ss2)
- poly2 (entget en2)
- flag2 (cdr(assoc 70 poly2))
- )
- (if (and (= (logand flag1 8) 8)(= (logand flag2 8) 8)) ; both 3D Polys ?
- (progn
- (setq lyr (cdr(assoc 8 (entget en1))) ; get first 3dpoly
- en (entnext en1) ; stuff.
- list1 (cdr(assoc 10 (entget en)))
- chk1 (cdr(assoc 10 (entget en)))
- p1a list1
- )
- (setq list1 (list list1))
- (while (= (cdr(assoc 0(entget(setq en(entnext en)))))"VERTEX")
- (setq list1 (append list1 (list(cdr(assoc 10(entget en))))))
- (setq p1b (cdr(assoc 10(entget en))))
- )
- (setq en (entnext en2) ; get second 3dpoly
- list2 (cdr(assoc 10 (entget en))) ; stuff.
- p2a list2
- chk2 (cdr(assoc 10 (entget en)))
- )
- (setq list2 (list list2))
- (while (= (cdr(assoc 0(entget(setq en(entnext en)))))"VERTEX")
- (setq list2 (append list2 (list(cdr(assoc 10(entget en))))))
- (setq p2b (cdr(assoc 10(entget en))))
- )
- ;-check for alignment of endpoints
- (cond
- ((equal p1b p2b 0.0001) ;if ---1---->
- (setq list1 (reverse list1))) ; reverse #1.
- ((equal p1a p2b 0.0001) ;if ----2---> ---1---->
- (setq tmp list1 list1 list2 list2 tmp)) ; swap them.
- );end cond
- ;---------- do the ends meet ? ---------------------------
- (if (or ; Check to see if the two
- (equal p1a p2a 0.0001) ; 3Dpolys meet.
- (equal p1b p2b 0.0001)
- (equal p1a p2b 0.0001)
- (equal p1b p2a 0.0001)
- )
- (progn ; ok, they meet.
- ;-erase old stuff
- (entdel en1);: ")))
- (if(boundp 'res)(setq #res res))
- (setq cnt -1)
- (setq ss (ssget)) ; get the stuff
- (princ "\nChanging..")
- (setq ssl (sslength ss))
- (repeat ssl ; do 'em all.
- (setq e (ssname ss (setq cnt (1+ cnt))))
- (cond
- ((= (name e) "POLYLINE")(poly e)) ; choices
- ((= (name e) "CIRCLE")(cir e))
- ((= (name e) "LINE")(lin e))
- ((= (name e) "ARC") ; If its an ARC,
- (progn(command "pedit" e "y" "")(poly (entlast)))) ; change to polyline.
- ((= (name e) "3DFACE")(3df e))
- )
- )
- )
- ;..........Main function....................
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ; Global variable = #res (curve resolution)
- ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- (defun c:3pedit (/ choice)
- (initget "C J")
- (setq choice (getkword "\nChange/Join : "))
- (cond
- ((= choice "C")
- (change_to_3d))
- (T
- (join3d))
- )
- (setvar "blipmode" 0)
- (command "ucs" "w")
- (princ)
- );end c:3pedit
- (princ "\n3Pedit.LSP - Ver 1.3 - Compliments of Batson Tool Corp.")
- (princ "\nUsage -> Command: 3Pedit ")
- (prin1)