请参阅附图,其中有两个 1:1 比例。但是一个叫1:1,另一个叫1:1000。我不知道这是怎么发生的,但这是我本周在办公室看到的一幅画。
命名的 1:1000 比例在 Edit Scale GUI 中显示为灰色。
这是我有 ATM 的代码,它每次都有 60% 的时间工作。
- (vl-load-com); by Ian_Bryant, 2013-04-25 12:20 PM; https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/help-with-lisp-to-sort-cannoscale-list/m-p/3887927#M310705; Reported bug for not sorting the scale in this reply also.; https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/help-with-lisp-to-sort-cannoscale-list/m-p/11381844#M435522(defun c:Reset_Cannoscale_List_Metric (/ var_cmdecho xpt as3 ndict dict sce sx sl dl xl) (setq var_cmdecho (getvar "cmdecho")) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setq xpt (getvar "expert")) (setvar "expert" 5) (command "-scalelistedit" "reset" "yes" "exit") (command "-scalelistedit" "delete" "*") ; List of standard ISO scales (from ISO 13567) below. ; "1:1" "1:2" "1:5" "1:10" "1:20" "1:25" "1:50" "1:75" "1:100" "1:200" "1:250" "1:500" "1:750" "1:1000" "1:2000" "1:2500" "1:5000" "1:10000" (foreach n '("1:1" "1:2" "1:5" "1:10" "1:20" "1:25" "1:50" "1:75" "1:100" "1:200" "1:250" "1:500" "1:750" "1:1000" "1:2000" "1:2500" "1:5000" "1:10000") (command "add") (command n) (command n) ) (command "exit") (setvar "expert" xpt) (setvar "cmdecho" var_cmdecho) (setq dict (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "acad_scalelist")) (setq as3 (assoc 3 dict) ndict (cdr (member as3 (reverse dict))) dict (member as3 dict) ) (while (setq as3 (assoc 3 dict)) (setq dict (member as3 dict) dl (cons (cdr as3) dl) sce (cdr (assoc 350 dict)) ) (if (> (setq sx (/ (cdr (assoc 140 (entget sce))) (cdr (assoc 141 (entget sce))))) 1.0) (setq xl (cons (cons sx sce) xl)) (setq sl (cons (cons sx sce) sl)) ) (setq dict (cdr dict)) ) (setq sl (vl-sort sl '(lambda (x y) (> (car x) (car y))))) (if xl (setq sl (append sl (vl-sort xl '(lambda (x y) (< (car x) (car y))))))) (setq dl (acad_strlsort dl)) (setq n 0) (repeat (length dl) (setq ndict (cons (cons 3 (nth n dl)) ndict) ndict (cons (cons 350 (cdr (nth n sl))) ndict) n (1+ n) ) ) (entmod (reverse ndict)) (princ))(c:Reset_Cannoscale_List_Metric);;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;;; End of File ;;;;----------------------------------------------------------------------;;