- (defun c:excoord ( / *error* des dir ent enx fnm )
- (defun *error* ( msg )
- (if (= 'file (type des)) (close des))
- (if (and msg (not (wcmatch (strcase msg t) "*break,*cancel*,*exit*")))
- (princ (strcat "\nError: " msg))
- )
- (princ)
- )
- (while
- (and (/= "" (setq fnm (LM:fixfilename (getstring t "Add filename: "))))
- (< (strlen fnm) 5)
- )
- (princ "\nFilename must be longer than 4 characters.")
- )
- (cond
- ( (= "" fnm))
- ( (not (LM:createdirectory (setq dir (strcat "C:\\LLMS CAD\" (substr fnm 1 4)))))
- (princ (strcat "\nUnable to create "" dir "" directory."))
- )
- ( (not (setq des (open (strcat dir "\" fnm ".txt") "a")))
- (princ (strcat "\nUnable to write to "" dir "\" fnm ".txt"."))
- )
- ( (while (setq ent (car (entsel "\nSelect polyline <Exit>: ")))
- (if (= "LWPOLYLINE" (cdr (assoc 0 (setq enx (entget ent)))))
- (foreach dxf enx
- (if (= 10 (car dxf))
- ;(write-line
- (princ
- (apply 'strcat
- (cons "("
- (mapcar '(lambda ( x y ) (strcat (rtos x) y))
- (cdr dxf)
- ; '("," "," ")")
- '(" " ")")
- )
- )
- )
- des
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (close des)
- )
- )
- )
- (*error* nil)
- (princ)
- )
- ;; Fix Filename - Lee Mac
- ;; Returns a string valid for use as a filename
- (defun LM:fixfilename ( str )
- (vl-string-translate "\\/:*?"<>|" "_________" str)
- )
- ;; Create Directory - Lee Mac
- ;; dir - [str] directory to create ("C:\\Folder1\\Folder2")
- ;; Returns: T if directory creation is successful, else nil
- (defun LM:createdirectory ( dir )
- ( (lambda ( fun )
- ( (lambda ( lst ) (fun (car lst) (cdr lst)))
- (vl-remove "" (LM:str->lst (vl-string-translate "/" "\" dir) "\"))
- )
- )
- (lambda ( root lst / dir )
- (if lst
- (if (or (vl-file-directory-p (setq dir (strcat root "\" (car lst)))) (vl-mkdir dir))
- (fun dir (cdr lst))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (vl-file-directory-p dir)
- )
- (princ)
我试着把这个绘图文件Parcels\u e.dwg
谢谢你的帮助李 |