I aim to make some quick-keys for opening frequently visited folders within my projects in windows explorer. My AutoLISP abilities are very limited but I was able to symbol this code which works in one specific scenario.
I intended the code above to open the "\photos" folder. All my drawing files are in "N:\project name\dwgs\" or deeper. Deeper is where I'm having problems with my code. It only works on drawings in "N:\project name\dwgs\" but does not work on any drawings that are deeper, say in "N:\project name\dwgs\exhibits" or "N:\project name\dwgs\ImpPlans\Off-Site".
I've figured out that my code is trimming only the "\dwg" folder before placing the "\photos" folder into the path. I need to trim "\dwg" and everything beyond it. I think it could be something as simple as wildcard character, but after a few days of reading posts, I still have not figured this out.