- ;;; KillWorm, Mehrdad Ahankhah, [url="http://www.irancad.com"]www.irancad.com[/url]
- (setq KillWormVersion 1.42)
- (setq KillWormDate "2011/01/04")
- (defun C:KW (/ cont kw)
- (setvar 'Cmdecho 0)
- (command "_.LOGFILEOFF")
- (command "_.LOGFILEON")
- (setq cont T)
- (while cont
- (setq cont nil)
- (initget "Active Passive ALL Select ? _Active Passive ALL Select ?")
- (setq kw (getkword "\nSelect option [Active/Passive/ALL/Select/?]: "))
- (cond
- ((= kw "Active") (C:KillActiveWorm))
- ((= kw "Passive") (C:KillPassiveWorm))
- ((= kw "ALL") (C:KillWormCompletely))
- ((= kw "Select") (C:KillWormSelectedDir))
- ((= kw "?")
- (textscr)
- (princ
- (strcat
- "
- Options:
- Active: Kill worm in the AutoCAD environment, if the worm is active.
- Passive: Kill worm in the AutoCAD environment, even if the worm isn't active.
- ALL: Kill worm in all drives.
- Select: Kill worm in selected folder.
- ?: Help")
- )
- (setq cont T)
- )
- )
- )
- (command "_.LOGFILEOFF")
- (setvar 'Cmdecho 1)
- (princ)
- )
- (defun C:KillActiveWorm ()
- (if (MT-WormExists)
- (C:KillPassiveWorm)
- (princ "\nNo worm found, aborting...")
- )
- (princ)
- )
- (defun C:KillPassiveWorm (/ FilesList)
- (MT-KillWormSources)
- (setq FileList (MT-FindLispFiles))
- (foreach lsp FileList (MT-KillWorm lsp))
- (princ)
- )
- (defun C:KillWormCompletely (/ FilesList) (MT-KillWormOnDrives) (princ))
- (defun C:KillWormSelectedDir () (MT-KillWormOnDirs (MT-GetFolder)) (princ))
- (defun MT-KillWormSources (/ found)
- (foreach Worm '("acad.vlx" "logo.gif")
- (while (setq found (findfile Worm))
- (princ (strcat (if (vl-file-delete found)
- "\nFile deleted successfully: ""
- "\nError occured while deleting file: ""
- )
- found
- """
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
杀手。lsp |