- (command "._style" "ARIAL" "ARIAL.ttf" "0" "1" "" "" "" "")
- (command
- "DIMADEC" "0" ; Angular decimal places
- "DIMALT" "0" ; Alternate units selected
- "DIMALTD" "0" ; Alternate unit decimal places
- "DIMALTF" "3.2808" ; Alternate unit scale factor
- "DIMALTRND" "0" ; Alternate units rounding value
- "DIMALTTD" "0" ; Alternate tolerance decimal places
- "DIMALTTZ" "0" ; Alternate tolerance zero suppression
- "DIMALTU" "2" ; Alternate units
- "DIMALTZ" "0" ; Alternate unit zero suppression
- "DIMAPOST" "'" ; Prefix and suffix for alternate text
- "DIMASO" "On"
- "DIMASSOC" "2"
- "DIMASZ" "500" ; Arrow size
- "DIMATFIT" "3" ; Arrow and text fit
- "DIMAUNIT" "0" ; Angular unit format
- "DIMAZIN" "3" ; Angular zero supression
- "DIMBLK" "." ; Arrow block name
- "DIMBLK1" "." ; First arrow block name
- "DIMBLK2" "." ; Second arrow block name
- "DIMCEN" "-80" ; Center mark size
- "DIMCLRD" "1" ; Dimension line and leader color
- "DIMCLRE" "1" ; Extension line color
- "DIMCLRT" "1" ; Dimension text color
- "DIMDEC" "1" ; Decimal places
- "DIMDLE" "50" ; Dimension line extension
- "DIMDLI" "30" ; Dimension line spacing
- "DIMDSEP" "." ; Decimal separator
- "DIMEXE" "50" ; Extension above dimension line
- "DIMEXO" "50" ; Extension line origin offset
- "DIMFIT" "3"
- "DIMFRAC" "0"
- "DIMGAP" "50" ; Gap from dimension line to text
- "DIMJUST" "0" ; Justification of text on dimension line
- "DIMLDRBLK" "." ; Leader block name
- "DIMLFAC" "0.001" ; Linear unit scale factor
- "DIMLIM" "0" ; Generate dimension limits
- "DIMLUNIT" "2" ; Linear unit format
- "DIMLWD" "-2" ; Dimension line and leader lineweight
- "DIMLWE" "-2" ; Extension line lineweight
- "DIMPOST" "." ; Prefix and suffix for dimension text
- "DIMRND" "0.0" ; Rounding value
- "DIMSAH" "0" ; Separate arrow blocks
- "DIMSD1" "0" ; Suppress the first dimension line
- "DIMSD2" "0" ; Suppress the second dimension line
- "DIMSE1" "0" ; Suppress the first extension line
- "DIMSE2" "0" ; Suppress the second extension line
- "dimsho" "1"
- "DIMSOXD" "0" ; Suppress outside dimension lines
- "DIMTAD" "0" ; Place text above the dimension line
- "DIMTDEC" "1" ; Tolerance decimal places
- "DIMTFAC" "1"
- "DIMTIH" "1" ; Text inside extensions is horizontal
- "DIMTIX" "0" ; Place text inside extensions
- "DIMTM" "200" ; Minus tolerance
- "DIMTMOVE" "0" ; Text movement
- "DIMTOFL" "0" ; Force line inside extension lines
- "DIMTOH" "1" ; Text outside horizontal
- "DIMTOL" "0" ; Tolerance dimensioning
- "DIMTOLJ" "1" ; Tolerance vertical justification
- "DIMTP" "0" ; Plus tolerance
- "DIMTSZ" "0" ; Tick size
- "DIMTVP" "0" ; Text vertical position
- "DIMTXSTY" "ARIAL" ; Associated Text style
- "DIMTXT" "500" ; Text height
- "DIMTZIN" "0" ; Tolerance zero suppression
- "dimunit" "2"
- "DIMUPT" "0" ; User positioned text
- "DIMZIN" "12" ; Zero suppression
- "DIMFRAC" "0" ; Fraction format (0 is stacked 2 horiz)
- "DIMTFAC" "1" ; Tolerance text height scaling factor
- "DIMSTYLE" "_S" "Aisle Dim" "_Y")
- (command
- "DIMASZ" "80" ; Arrow size
- "DIMAZIN" "2" ; Angular zero supression
- "DIMCEN" "0" ; Center mark size
- "DIMCLRT" "7" ; Dimension text color
- "DIMDEC" "2" ; Decimal places
- "DIMGAP" "0" ; Gap from dimension line to text
- "DIMSTYLE" "_S" "Stand Size" "_Y")
- (command
- "TEXTSIZE""500"
- );end command
- (princ)
- ;;;;;
谢谢 |