Extract the attributes, and written table(or output excel), this is a BOM ?
Maybe one dwg have 300~500 drawings........
I think like this :
1step. run command
2step. choose all drawing in mode space. (crossing )
3step. Enter the text height (Text style is SIMPLEX, is style ,not font )
4step. Select (a) pick a baskpoint insert table (b)or output excel
1.Use Drawing number from top to bottom order arrange
Sort by the last three digits of drawing No.
2.Check the PARTNAME , if have Duplicate PARTNAME ,SO Pop-up tips.
3.Check the DRAWING NO , if have Duplicate DRAWING NO ,SO Pop-up tips.
4.If insert table, Must: Layer is DIM , Text style is SIMPLEX, (is style ,not font ) DIM layer and SIMPLEX style is exist.
But I can't try it by myself. I 'm sorry! I don't understand write lisp .lisp is so magical, when I have time, I will learn. Now I need help.
Many thanks for help me!
May something like this ,http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/visual-lisp-autolisp-and-general/extract-attributes-from-a-specific-block-and-write-to-table/td-p/5399759
I 'm sorry! I don't understand write lisp , someone can help?
Thanks han.
I know all members are volunteers . Very wonderful forum and members !
There're similar thread not suitable for me . need modify !
Maybe one dwg have 300~500 drawing ... if manual statistics , It's a very difficult task .
creating table from excel is not problem if your are using higher version of acad.
also many blocks / attribute collection function around.
my method is almost same, but not all can suit every need.
as start point you should try how to manually manipulate data?
try command: ATTOUT , edit in excel is better way. you can rearrange the column ,sorting, filter ,list table etc..
example has almost data in your post#1
by EATTEXT , that's mean you are not going to reorganize column, edit or renumber attributes? however, i'm happy if it solved your issue
if you want to edit multiple renumber or modify attribute: ATTOUT