Hi Guys
This Code worked in some form on my last computer i have attempted to fix it. it appears that i cannot overwrite the "_open" function is there a variable for this.
; variables set(setq tilemodevar (getvar "tilemode"))(setq varCPROFILE (getvar "CPROFILE"))(setq varFILEDIA (getvar "FILEDIA")); close windows(COMMAND "EXTERNALREFERENCESCLOSE")(COMMAND "LAYERCLOSE")(COMMAND "PROPERTIESCLOSE")(COMMAND "ADCCLOSE"); Open drawing from vault(if (= varCPROFILE "profile_name")(progn(defun c:_open () (command"_vltopen""" ) ;_ end of command ) ;_ end of progn );_ end of if (command "_open") );_ end of defun; autocad variables unset(setvar "FILEDIA" FILEDIAvar)
I use this to overwrite _open so when i am in a particular profile and press ctrl+O it used _vltopen
i was having problems when testing because i think it was failing on the "undefine" if it was already undefined. but i am not sure if that was a problem.