(defun c:setcurrentviewtoalldwgs ( / v c uo ux uy vd pe ) (setq v (getvar 'viewsize) c (getvar 'viewctr)) (setq uo (trans '(0.0 0.0 0.0) 1 0)) (setq ux (trans '(1.0 0.0 0.0) 1 0)) (setq uy (trans '(0.0 1.0 0.0) 1 0)) (if (eq (getvar 'cvport) 1) (progn (mapcar 'vl-propagate (list 'v 'c 'uo 'ux 'uy)) (setq fn (open "c:/processdoc.lsp" "w")) (write-line "(vl-load-com)" fn) (write-line "(setq d (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))" fn) (write-line "(vla-regen d acactiveviewport)" fn) (write-line "(if" fn) (write-line "(not" fn) (write-line "(and" fn) (write-line "(equal uo '(0.0 0.0 0.0))" fn) (write-line "(equal ux '(1.0 0.0 0.0))" fn) (write-line "(equal uy '(0.0 1.0 0.0))" fn) (write-line ")" fn) (write-line ")" fn) (write-line "(progn" fn) (write-line "(setq ucs (vla-add (vla-get-usercoordinatesystems d) (vlax-3d-point uo) (vlax-3d-point ux) (vlax-3d-point uy) "{ UCS }"))" fn) (write-line "(vla-put-activeucs d ucs)" fn) (write-line "(command "_.UCS" "_W")" fn) (write-line "(vla-delete ucs)" fn) (write-line "(command "_.UCS" "_P")" fn) (write-line ")" fn) (write-line "(command "_.UCS" "_W")" fn) (write-line ")" fn) (write-line "(command "_.ZOOM" "_C" c v)" fn) (write-line "(if ucs (setq ucs nil))" fn) (write-line "(if d (setq d nil))" fn) (write-line "(mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (set x nil)) (list 'v 'c 'uo 'ux 'uy))" fn) (write-line "(princ)" fn) (close fn) ) (progn (setq vd (trans (getvar 'viewdir) 1 0 t)) (setq pe (getvar 'perspective)) (mapcar 'vl-propagate (list 'v 'c 'uo 'ux 'uy 'vd 'pe)) (setq fn (open "c:/processdoc.lsp" "w")) (write-line "(vl-load-com)" fn) (write-line "(setq d (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))" fn) (write-line "(command "_.DVIEW" "" "_PO" "0,0,0" vd "")" fn) (write-line "(vla-regen d acactiveviewport)" fn) (write-line "(if" fn) (write-line "(not" fn) (write-line "(and" fn) (write-line "(equal uo '(0.0 0.0 0.0))" fn) (write-line "(equal ux '(1.0 0.0 0.0))" fn) (write-line "(equal uy '(0.0 1.0 0.0))" fn) (write-line ")" fn) (write-line ")" fn) (write-line "(progn" fn) (write-line "(setq ucs (vla-add (vla-get-usercoordinatesystems d) (vlax-3d-point uo) (vlax-3d-point ux) (vlax-3d-point uy) "{ UCS }"))" fn) (write-line "(vla-put-activeucs d ucs)" fn) (write-line "(command "_.UCS" "_W")" fn) (write-line "(vla-delete ucs)" fn) (write-line "(command "_.UCS" "_P")" fn) (write-line ")" fn) (write-line "(command "_.UCS" "_W")" fn) (write-line ")" fn) (write-line "(command "_.ZOOM" "_C" c v)" fn) (write-line "(setvar 'perspective pe)" fn) (write-line "(if ucs (setq ucs nil))" fn) (write-line "(if d (setq d nil))" fn) (write-line "(mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (set x nil)) (list 'v 'c 'uo 'ux 'uy 'vd 'pe))" fn) (write-line "(command "_.-PURGE" "_B" "DVIEWBLOCK" "_N")" fn) (write-line "(princ)" fn) (close fn) ) ) (prompt "\nSwitch to each opened DWG, and type (load "c:/processdoc.lsp") and when finished return to master DWG and type (vl-file-delete "c:/processdoc.lsp")") (textscr) (princ))(defun c:scvtad nil (c:setcurrentviewtoalldwgs))